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Blood Testing

Allergy blood testing involves drawing blood to determine the presence of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, which are what your immune system produces to battle an allergen.

Diagnosis & Treatment Options

Blood tests can screen for regional allergy environmental allergy triggers, in addition to indoor and food allergens as well as stinging insects. Depending on your symptoms, substances we may investigate through a blood test include:

  • Tree pollen (ash, mountain cedar, American elm, elm, maple, oak, pecan)
  • Weed pollen (ragweed, nettle)
  • Grass pollen (Bermuda, Timothy)
  • Pet dander
  • Cockroaches
  • Dust mites
  • Molds
  • Certain foods
  • Biting and stinging insects (Wasps, bees, hornets, fireants)

Allergy skin tests remain the preferred testing option because of their superior sensitivity level. However, some patients should undergo blood testing instead, including infants and very young children. Skin tests require people to stop taking medicines that may interfere with results. Those patients can continue on their medications and have allergy blood testing done. Other factors that make blood testing preferable include heart conditions, severe skin conditions, poorly controlled asthma, and history of anaphylaxis. Blood tests do not have side effects beyond potential swelling or pain at the testing site.

A specialist at Harker Heights Allergy will carefully analyze blood test results along with your medical history, symptoms, and any other testing that may prove useful in solving the puzzle of your allergies. Our allergists have extensive experience diagnosing and treating allergy sufferers. Request an appointment today so we can conquer your allergies.